The following questions are covered in this Help page:
How can I populate the pick lists in my patterns
You need to populate SI data via the Utilities (location, party, product, road, junction)
How can we create a new pattern
Via the Pattern Manager under Utilities choose the required fields, give your pattern a name and click save. To create a new pattern from an existing pattern, you need to retrieve the pattern, give it a new name and save.
What information is required for Customs
If you're dealing with a customs broker and customs information has already been forwarded to them, you need only provide CN with:
- Country of Origin
- Documentation Handling
- Clearance Type
- Custom Broker
If customs information is only being supplied to CN the minimum information you need to provide to CN is:
- Country of Origin
- Documentation Handling
- Clearance Type
- Custom Broker
- Harmonized Code
- Lading Quantity
- Package Type
- Unit Price
- Currency
I made a mistake in what I submitted. Can I make some changes
After your shipping instructions have been sent, you can use the Modify button from the "This is what was sent screen" to go back and make changes to your shipping Instructions. Note that the "Modify" button only appears once right after you've submitted your Shipping Instructions .The car initial and number as well as the route information cannot be modified. Other fields can be modified but please note that a charge may be applied. For all other changes, please send an e-mail to EDISUPT@CN.CA