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Investor Contacts

Public Inquiries


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Investor Relations

Stacy Alderson
Assistant Vice-President
Investor Relations


Email Stacy

Greg Hamilton
Senior Manager
Investor Relations


Email Greg

Shareholders having inquiries concerning their shares or wishing to obtain information about CN should contact:

Transfer Agent and Registrar

Computershare Trust Company of Canada
100 University Ave., 9th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2Y1

Co-transfer agent and co-registrar

Computershare Trust Company N.A.
Att: Stock Transfer Department

Overnight Mail Delivery: 250 Royall Street, Canton MA 02021
Regular Mail Delivery: P.O. Box 43078, Providence, RI 02940-3070
303-262-0600 or 1-800-962-4284

Head office

Canadian National Railway Company
935 de La Gauchetière Street West
Montreal, Quebec
H3B 2M9
P.O. Box 8100
Montreal, Quebec
H3C 2N4