CN is continuing to engage with the community, Aboriginal groups, local governments, and stakeholders. Click to read more about engagement, including the establishment of a Community Consultation Committee.
The $250 million Project was approved by the federal government. CN is finalizing the Project design to incorporate the 325 conditions, and is continuing to engage federal authorities, Aboriginal groups and key stakeholders prior to the start of construction. Click to read more about Project construction.
The Project has gone through an extensive federal environmental assessment and regulatory review. In addition to addressing the 325 Project conditions, CN is implementing a number of measures to mitigate potential effects of the Project and enhance the environment. CN is also launching a pilot program for use of electric trucks as part of its intermodal fleet.
CN moves more than $250 billion worth of goods across North America every year. Chances are most of your necessities – including personal electronics, food products, household goods, car parts and health products – have been handled by CN and transported in containers. Population in the GTHA is growing, and so is demand for consumer goods across the country. More intermodal capacity is needed so goods can continue to move efficiently.
After an extensive environmental review including an environmental assessment by an independent joint Review Panel, the federal government approved the Milton Logistics Hub on January 21, 2021, with 325 conditions designed to protect the community and the environment. The Panel agreed that additional intermodal capacity is needed in the GTHA and that “smooth and connected logistics management” is required across the entire network. The Panel also agreed “that, on a regional and national scale, an intermodal terminal in the GTHA would likely provide needed logistics infrastructure that would support economic development through the timely movement of goods.” Read more about how the Project is mitigating potential effects and protecting the environment and the community.
The resilience and fluidity of Canada’s supply chains is more important than ever. Private sector investments, like CN’s Milton Logistics Hub, help to stabilize our economy and provide jobs.
CN is proud of its partnerships with local organizations like the Milton District Hospital Foundation, the Halton Learning Foundation, and Wilfrid Laurier University. We are confident that our continued efforts and willingness to engage constructively and collaboratively with local governments will help to ensure the economic, environmental, and health benefits made possible by the Project are realized, and that CN can continue to contribute in a positive way to the achievement of the municipalities’ goals.
CN is committed to implementing the federal government’s conditions for mitigating potential effects of the Milton Logistics Hub and is working with federal authorities and other key stakeholders to incorporate those conditions into the design of the Project. Those conditions reflect the recommendations of the independent Joint Review Panel, as well as input from local governments, the community, and Aboriginal groups, based on a comprehensive assessment of the potential effects of the Project.
The Project is expected to create 130 new direct jobs on-site and more than 1,000 jobs associated with new development in the goods movement sector, as well as other indirect jobs associated with Project construction and operation. The Project, along with other intermodal-oriented development it will attract, will contribute municipal taxes and revenues to Halton Region and the Town of Milton, helping to fund public services such as health care, education, and infrastructure.
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