We Offer Safe and Timely Delivery for Temperature Controlled Cargo
With one of the largest refrigerated and insulated container fleets in North America, CN's experts are dedicated to providing a safe and efficient supply chain for temperature-controlled goods. With end to end visibility, CN has the right services to bring all commodities safely to market from food and beverages to pharmaceuticals, fashion apparel and all temperature sensitive commodities.

  • Competitive transit times
  • Stable predictable year-round pricing
  • Dedicated customer service team
  • One of Canada’s largest reefer fleets, over 2,100 refrigerated containers
  • Terminal Remote Monitoring Capabilities
  • Access to Transx suite of services
  • Three-coast port access for seamless import/export opportunities

  • EcoTherm Insulated Containers
  • IntelliGen Powerpack Generators
  • CargoCool Refrigerated Containers
  • Clip-on Gensets
  • Underslung Gensets
  • Over 500 shore power plugs network wide

Temperature Controlled Cargo

We Provide Visibility and Control
Temperature Control

Temperature Control

View and control set point temperature while keeping track of baseline

Email Alerts

Notifications and Alerts

Real-time email alerts on any exceptions



GPS tracking position for all containers and cargo



Detailed audit trail of all processes


Fuel Consumption

Real-time fuel consumption reporting

Essential Resources
We’ve assembled a toolkit of information you need to know about working with CN. We’re all in this together and we want to equip you with any and all information you need about working safely and efficiently with us.

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Shipping With CN
CN’s sales team works hand-in-hand with customers to help them reach new markets and grow their business. With 24/7 customer service and a suite of digital tools for managing your shipments, we’ve built a toolkit that works for our customers.
Get in touch with us to learn more.