
Vegetation Management at CN

Annual Vegetation Management Program - April 2024 - October 2024

At CN, safety is a core value. We aim to become the safest railroad in North America with an uncompromising commitment to the health and safety of our employees, the customers we serve and the communities and environment in which we operate.

Each year, CN is required to manage vegetation on its right-of-way. Managing this vegetation contributes to mitigating fire risks and enhance the efficacy of inspection of track infrastructure. CN adheres to requirements as per the Rules Respecting Track Safety , adopted under the Railway Safety Act (RSA). Part II of the Rules require; “vegetation on railway property, which is on or immediately adjacent to roadbed must be controlled.”

If not managed properly, unwanted vegetation may:

  • Damage the integrity of the roadbed that supports the tracks.
  • Inhibit the operation of signals and switches.
  • Hinder the inspection of the track structure, bridge components, and trains.
  • Compromise employee safety when train crews entrain and detrain.
  • Reduce visibility at public road crossings.
  • Prematurely rot and destabilize timber structures.

CN has retained professional contractors qualified to undertake this work. They are required to comply with all laws and regulations applicable to CN. In addition, the contractors will ensure that vegetation control is performed with consideration of the environment and in accordance with industry standards.

2024 Herbicide Spray Schedule in Canada

For information on when the ballast in your community will be sprayed please refer to our Municipal Subdivision Index

  Municipal Subdivision Index (XLS) 

Train Schedule     Truck Schedule


Inquiries, Weed Notices and Spray Requests

All inquiries, weed notices and spray requests should be sent to the CN Public Inquiry Line and mention if this is operating or non operating lands.

Municipalities -To access CN lands for inspection or weed control work you/your representative must complete the Weed Control Access Permit. This is required for anyone accessing CN lands for inspection or weed control work purposes. To obtain the permit please email us.


Request for Information

If you have a questions or a request regarding Vegetation Management at CN, please fill out the form below or call 1-888-888-5909.