AUG 29, 2023

Helping to make positive change in his community

Growing up, Harout Tavitian spent many happy hours at the Armenian Community Centre in Montreal, QC, involved in youth activities such as scouts and hockey and cultural events. “The Centre was the hub for the Armenian community, a place for my family and friends to come together with others,” recalls Harout, Expert Program & Project Management in I&T.

Photo: Harout at the Armenian Community Centre.

Through the years, Harout would continue to be closely tied to the community. “I am actively involved today and wear many hats,” he says. Harout sits on the Community Centre’s Board of Administration, ensuring activities run smoothly, providing IT support, and coaching kids to be good citizens. He also volunteers his time with the Montreal Armenian Global Support Centre which guides and integrates new arrivals to Canada fleeing war-torn areas. In recognition of the approximately 8 hours a week Harout volunteers, CN donates funds to support his efforts at the Centre.

“I learned about the Railroaders in the Community Program on the first day I started at CN in 2019 and was proud and appreciative that the company I worked for valued the time employees dedicate to charities,” recalls Harout. “I believe in giving back for all that I have received. Volunteering is an important part of my life as a way to make positive change in the community. I encourage other railroaders to participate and give back in their own ways to their communities too.”