> For all dangerous goods shipments: |
Regulatory Authority |
Required |
The regulatory authority that governs the shipping of these dangerous goods. |
Proper Shipping Name |
Required |
The product's Proper Shipping Name (PSN). |
Technical Name |
Optional |
The chemical name or another name currently used in a scientific or technical handbook, journal or text, but does not include a trade name. Required for certain products. |
Class |
Required |
Identifies a level of risk or danger associated with the goods. |
Sub-Class |
Optional |
Identifies a subsidiary risk or danger associated with the goods. Required for certain products. |
UN/NA Number |
Required |
UN # is a 4-digit number used by international transport to define hazardous substances.
NA # is a 4-digit number issued by the US D.O.T. used within North America to define hazardous substances. |
Packing Group |
Optional |
Indicates the level of danger associated with the dangerous goods. Required for certain products. |
Not-Odorized? |
Mandatory for UN1075 commodities |
Specifies if the transported gas is not-odorized in case of emergency and/or inspection. |
This Shipment is Residue |
Optional |
Indicates that the shipment is residue. If you have indicated in the Key Information and Dates block that the shipment is a load, then this will be disabled. If you have indicated that the shipment is empty, this will be checked. |
Packaging |
Required |
The number and type of packages in the shipment or mixed load. Optional for certain shipments. |
Volume / Weight |
Optional |
The total volume / weight of dangerous goods in the shipment or mixed load. Required for certain shipments. |
Net Explosive Quantity |
Optional |
The net explosive quantity of dangerous goods in the shipment or mixed load. Required for Class 1 products. |
24-Hr Number (Canada) |
Optional |
Telephone number, including area code, within Canada where someone can be reached 24-hours a day to provide information about the dangerous goods being shipped. Required for certain shipments.
Plan |
Optional |
If the 24-Hr Number (Canada) is that of an emergency response information service provider, enter the name of the company (offerer) that has the contractual agreement with them (Registered By) or the contract number (Contract #). |
Emergency 24-Hr Number (USA) |
Optional |
Telephone number, including area code, within the USA where someone can be reached 24-hours a day to provide information about the dangerous goods being shipped. Required for certain shipments. |
Plan |
Optional |
If the Emergency 24-Hr Number (USA) is that of an emergency response information service provider, enter the name of the company (offerer) that has the contractual agreement with them (Registered By) or the contract number (Contract #). |
Emergency 24-Hr Number (Mexico) |
Optional |
Telephone number, including area code, within Mexico where someone can be reached 24-hours a day to provide information about the dangerous goods being shipped. Required for shipments destined to Mexico. |
Plan |
Optional |
If the Emergency 24-Hr Number (Mexico) is that of an emergency response information service provider, enter the name of the company (offerer) that has the contractual agreement with them (Registered By) or the contract number (Contract #). |
24-Hr Number (International) |
Optional |
Telephone number, including area and country code, where someone can be reached 24-hours a day to provide information about the dangerous goods being shipped. Required for certain shipments. |
Plan |
Optional |
If the 24-Hr Number (International) is that of an emergency response information service provider, enter the name of the company (offerer) that has the contractual agreement with them (Registered By) or the contract number (Contract #). |
ERAP Number |
Optional |
Emergency Response Assistance Plan number on file with TDG. Required for certain products. |
ERAP Phone |
Optional |
Emergency Response Assistance Plan phone number to call in case of an emergency. Required for certain shipments.
Note: CANUTEC number (613-996-6666 ) or CHEMTREC number (800-424-9300 ) cannot be used. |
Dangerous Goods Shipper |
Optional |
Party shipping the dangerous goods, and phone number. You need only to select a Dangerous Goods Shipper if different than the shipper specified in the Parties to the Shipment block. |
Dangerous Goods Consignee |
Optional |
Party receiving the dangerous goods, and phone number. You need only to select a Dangerous Goods Consignee if different than the consignee specified in the Parties to the Shipment block. |
ELS Permit Prefix |
Optional |
Equivalent Level of Safety (ELS): A Transport Canada authority to handle dangerous goods in a fashion that may not be consistent with regulations. |
ELS Permit Number |
Optional |
The Equivalent Level of Safety (ELS) permit number. |
ELS Permit Expiry Date |
Optional |
The expiry date of the Equivalent Level of Safety (ELS) permit. |
FRA Approval Number |
Optional |
Approval Number assigned by the FRA to move a rail car (or other bulk package moving by rail) containing a hazardous material when that package no longer conforms to the Hazardous Materials Regulations. |
Flash Point |
Optional |
The minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off an ignitable vapour/air mixture. Required for certain products. |
Additional Information |
Optional |
Additional information that describes the dangerous goods. |
> For shipments destined to USA only: |
Poison and/or Inhalation Hazard |
Optional |
Indicates if the product poses a poison and/or inhalation hazard. When applicable, the Hazard Zone is included: the inhalation toxicity of a product broken down by Zone A, B, C, D ("A" is most toxic). Required for certain products. |
Marine Pollutant Component |
Optional |
Name of marine pollutant component. Required for certain products. |
Hazardous Substance (RQ) |
Optional |
For a Reportable Quantity (RQ), enter the name of those elements and compounds that are hazardous substances. Required for certain products.
Click here to find the Reportable Quantity for your hazardous substance. You will need to scroll down to the section entitled "Table 1 to Appendix A—Hazardous Substances Other Than Radionuclides". |
Optional |
Check this box if the shipment is molten. |
Optional |
Check this box if the product requires an Oil Spill Prevention and Response Plan (part 130 of 49CFR). |
> For hazardous waste & hazardous recyclable materials shipments only:
Note: The following information will only be available after selecting a product that is a hazardous waste or hazardous recyclable material (a STCC beginning with '48'). |
Manifest Tracking Number |
Optional |
The number of the movement document/manifest. |
Notice Number |
Optional |
The notice number appearing on the movement document/manifest. |
Notice Line Number |
Optional |
The notice line number appearing on the movement document/manifest. |
EPA Codes |
Optional |
The codes describing the different types of waste. When applicable, the codes will be pre-populated. |
Scheduled Arrival Date |
Optional |
The scheduled date of arrival at destination appearing on the movement document/manifest. Required for certain shipments. |
Transit Permit Number |
Optional |
The transit permit number appearing on the movement document/manifest. |
Special Instructions |
Optional |
Special instructions related to the waste / recyclables shipment. |
Waste Generator |
Optional |
The company name, address, contact phone number, and contact name of the party that generated the waste product. |
Waste Transporter(s) |
Optional |
The company name, address, and contact phone number of the party to transport the waste product. Up to four waste transporters can be provided. |
Waste Facility |
Optional |
The company name, address, and contact phone number of the party to receive the waste shipment. |
> For mixed load shipments only:
Note: The following information will only be available after selecting a STCC beginning with '485' or '495' (Freight All Kinds - FAK) in the Product Description and Weight block. |
Products |
Required |
Products being shipped. For each product in the shipment you should complete a Mixed Load form. Up to twenty-five products can be provided, depending on the number of mixed loads chosen when the pattern was created. |
Limited Quantity |
Optional |
When the gross mass of an accumulation of limited quantities of dangerous goods offered for transport by one consignor to one destination is greater than 500kg, this box should be checked. The shipping document will include the words "Limited Quantity". |
500 KG Exemption |
Optional |
Check this box if TDG 500 KG Exemption applies. When checked, an Exemption Product must be selected (picklist appears to the right of the checkbox). This is used to identify the Class of product being shipped. |
150 KG Exemption |
Optional |
Check this box if TDG 150 KG Exemption applies. When checked, an Exemption Product must be selected (picklist appears to the right of the checkbox). This is used to identify the Class of product being shipped. |
> For compartment shipments only:
Note: The following information will only be available after selecting a STCC beginning with '485' or '495' (Freight All Kinds - FAK) in the Product Description and Weight block. |