Project Information and FAQ
About the Project
The Milton Logistics Hub was approved by the federal government on January 21, 2021, following an extensive environmental assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. The Project is still subject to regulatory permits.
The Milton Hub will:
- HELP MEET GROWING DEMAND: Meet the growing demand for household goods across the GTHA.
- HELP LOCAL BUSINESSES: Help local businesses in Milton and Southern Ontario get their goods to and from critical markets.
- ALLEVIATE CONGESTION: Alleviate congestion on 400-series highways by removing long-haul trucks.
- IMPROVE SUPPLY CHAIN RESILIENCY: Strengthen supply chains to support goods delivery for retailers and consumers by providing greater flexibility and reliability.
- SUPPORT CLIMATE GOALS: Support Canada’s international supply chains and federal trade and climate goals.
- IMPROVE REGIONAL AIR QUALITY: The Project will be built in a provincially designated significant employment zone, on CN-owned land east of Tremaine Road and south of Britannia Road in Milton. The Project will handle four intermodal trains per day. One intermodal train can transport the equivalent of more than 280 long-distance heavy trucks. CN’s intermodal network removes approximately 2 million of these trucks from Canadian highways annually, 1 million of which would flow through the GTHA.
Project Major Components
- An administration building, maintenance garage for terminal equipment and areas for short-term container storage.
- Realignment and extension of the existing mainline.
- A 1.7-kilometre truck entrance road and queuing area on CN property to keep waiting trucks off local roads.
- An employee entrance off Tremaine Road.
- An underpass at Lower Base Line to maintain traffic flow and facilitate east-west passage for all vehicles including emergency vehicles.
- Berms and barriers in strategic locations, planted with native Ontario vegetation to blend with the surrounding environment and reduce off-site noise and visual effects.
- A stormwater management system designed to capture and treat all terminal water runoff.